Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Progress Update (July 2009)

Well it's been quite a time since I last posted an update. The heavy snows are long gone (although they did last into March) and we are well into a very warm summer. We have been concentrating our efforts on the space immediately outside the house so we have somewhere to sit out & enjoy the lovely weather. We have almost finished the paths & patios that have been constructed using the array of stones & rocks we have found around the property. Poor Andy has spent many hours fighting with enormous boulders & struggling to get them in place & level but it was worth the effort.

Work in one of the apartments has progressed well but the other is still being used as a bit of a storage area/workshop. Andy has also made nearly all the internal doors for the house but we need to get all the frames in, doors varnished etc. Still plenty to do but things are progressing.

My parents have just been to stay for a couple of weeks & my dad decorated Matteo's bedroom which is great, he finally has a proper bedroom that he can also play in, he even has a door!
I have finally measured out all the fabric for the curtains for our living space, I just need to make them now, no small task when we have 3 large windows & a set of patio doors.

In between all his work commitments Andy plans to build a woodstore before the winter & to start cutting some wood for the fire as well as all the other ongoing jobs we have!


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